Sunday, December 21, 2014


Since we live in Florida we won't have a real winter with snow.  The elves brought snow spray to put on the windows to give the wintery feeling!  The poem is very short but to the point!

The poem.....

Since winter time is here and you can't have snow.
We thought that you would like to give this one a go!

It's not the real thing but it's festive and it's fun!
Spray it on the windows and you'll have snow when you are done!


P.S.Get help from an adult

The elves waiting in their new elf carrier!!!

Snow spray and poem!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Gingerbread house!

This is what the kids did today.  I've been working and didn't have the time to post this earlier.  A friend gave us the gingerbread house kit, so we used it to and added him in the poem!

The poem.......

The holidays are festive and lots of fun!
We think Christmas is the best one!

Kids smiling with joy from the toys that we make!
Fills us with pride that no one can ever take.

The best part though is family.
That is what we consider you to be!

Santa and the elves are our family too!
But we're the happiest being with you!

Friends are also what we consider you to be!
We have one more close friend, our pal Mikey!

He's not an elf but he's a great guy!
He gave us this gift, he thought you'd like to try!

A gingerbread house kit, you'll have to work as a team.
Making one's not as easy as it may seem.

With your creativity we know it will be neat!
We can't wait to see it when it's complete!

We know you'll work hard, we know you'll have fun!
We'll make sure to show Mikey a picture when it's done!


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Surprise....wrapped up!

Today the elves have a surprise for the kids. Tomorrow is their last day of school before Christmas break from school.  The elves decided to wrap the snacks in their lunches!  The poem states the surprise but not when or where they will receive the surprise!

The Poem......

You are the best kids we've ever met!
We think you're as good as they get!

We want to thank you for being so great!
Today we have something exciting on the plate.

We have a surprise especially for you!
Though telling you is something we cannot do!

What's the surprise what will it be?
You'll just have to wait and see!

Try not to get "wrapped" up in figuring it out!
We promise you'll love it without a doubt!

So, have a good day, have lots of fun!
We'll be waiting for you, when school is done!


Kringle wrapped up while Holly is hiding the paper behind her back!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Responsibility #7 Recycling...Snowman Jugs!

This one I've been waiting to collect things and of course keep forgetting and taking out the recycling.  I originally saw this post on Facebook or Pinterest (maybe both).  Using empty water jugs to make snowmen.  Since I started the responsibility theme I decided to add a twist and have them make it out of recyclables (at least most of it).  I also bought small strands of lights to put inside ( I know, energy usage is not environmentally friendly but it makes it more fun)! 

I am doing this in advance and do not have it set up because it is for tonight/tomorrow but I will add pictures later!

The poem......

Here is something fun, that we think is likeable.
Make snowman jugs out of mostly things recyclable!

The empty water jugs we found and put aside.
The rest of the pieces are for you to decide!

Cut up empty boxes and old newspaper too.
We even brought lights, so they can shine through!

Recycling is important, to help keep the earth alive!
Every bit helps, if only more people would strive!

So work your magic, be creative, and have fun!
Just remember to recycle, even after this is done!


Pictures to come!!!!!!
Where I got the idea!

The elves waiting for morning!
Will post a pic of finished product when they're done!

Creative Fun.....What do you love?

My kids love to draw especially my girls so I thought I would give them free range...well for the most part!  This time they have to draw a picture of something they love.  The elves left paper for them to draw. Really simple I know I feel like I've been slacking but my kids seem to love simple!

If you've been following my post, my kids have been doing everything the elves ask and keeping up with the jobs!  They have been playing games fairly well together (still a few whines here and there), running to the stop sign and back for exercise the past two days and enjoying it, watering the plant.....even if they only focus on it for the month or until Christmas at least they are experiencing and attempting their tasks! Though I do hope they get more out of it....eventually anyway!

The poem....

It's time for some creative fun.
Something to do when your school day is done!

Draw a picture of something, that you love the best!
Something that means more than the rest!

You can draw anything,.....anything you wish!
A person, a flower, or even a fish!

Whatever is important to you, we want to see.
Draw us something that sets your heart free!


Our elves lounging in the tree writing the poem and drawing what they love on the paper too!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Candy Cane Hunt!!!!!

This idea I got from someone else.....Something fun for the kids to enjoy!  They get to have a candy cane hunt once they're ready for school!  Hopefully that will make them move!  I actually found soda flavored candy canes at Walmart, which they will love since they very rarely are allowed to drink soda.  It has A&W Root beer, Crush Orange, and Dr. Pepper!

Thanks for the idea Maryann!

Here's the Poem......

We have something really fun for you to do today!
First, you must get ready for school, and then it's time to play!

Root beer, Orange Crush, and Dr. Pepper too.
The flavors of the candy canes that we hid for you!

That's right! A candy cane hunt is what we have in store!
When it's time to start, you need to each find four!

We hope that you enjoy this, we think it's pretty cool!
You can eat the candy canes, when you get home from school!

No peeking until it's time, we want it to be fair.
Now go get ready for school, this includes your teeth and hair!

When you are all done, let your mom know.
She will count to three, then on your mark, get set, GO!


I really don't have anything to take a picture of on this one....Just randomly placed candy canes around the living and dining rooms!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Responsibility is important!

I try to teach my kids health is important but unfortunately I fall in and out of the exercise routine myself and I'm not setting the best example.  I lose and gain quite often.  Trying to teach my kids about health, exercising, and eating right I find is hard to do at times.  I try to tell them but they're still young to really understand.  I thought a little "elf" influence might help!   This year I decided to give them an exercising task and hope they have fun with it!

The poem......

This next responsibility is another important one.
Exercising keeps you healthy and it really must be done.

There are many different exercises, they each help in different ways.
No matter what you choose, you'll be healthier in days!

We'll focus on building muscles and strengthening your heart!
Always keep things simple, in anything you start.

If you work real hard, your body can get sore.
That's why you should always, stretch real good before.

This next task we give you, we're hoping will be fun!
We want you every day to go for a short run.

To the stop sign and back, as many times as you can!
This will get you healthy, which is our ultimate plan!

Do this every day. Remember this is NOT a race.
Each one of you should go, at your own pace.

Longer legs go further, but doesn't mean little legs are slow.
Do what you can do, go as far as you can go!

Most importantly have fun and give it all you've got!
Your health is important and to us sure means a lot!


P.S. Don't forget to wear running shoes!

                                      Holly and Kringle stretching. Getting ready to exercise!