Thursday, December 18, 2014

Surprise....wrapped up!

Today the elves have a surprise for the kids. Tomorrow is their last day of school before Christmas break from school.  The elves decided to wrap the snacks in their lunches!  The poem states the surprise but not when or where they will receive the surprise!

The Poem......

You are the best kids we've ever met!
We think you're as good as they get!

We want to thank you for being so great!
Today we have something exciting on the plate.

We have a surprise especially for you!
Though telling you is something we cannot do!

What's the surprise what will it be?
You'll just have to wait and see!

Try not to get "wrapped" up in figuring it out!
We promise you'll love it without a doubt!

So, have a good day, have lots of fun!
We'll be waiting for you, when school is done!


Kringle wrapped up while Holly is hiding the paper behind her back!

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