Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Family Responsibility and Movie time!

Another easy idea....My kids love having family time. Something that doesn't happen as much as we might like.  My husband works 6 days a week and I work retail and never have the same hours (especially this time of year).

The elves brought a movie(s) The Home Alone Collection. Something we can do as a family and spend the much needed time together! Again not my best work but it will mean a lot to them.  That's the funny thing parents (myself included) forget about kids.....they're easy.  They don't need fancy words or even fancy gifts (well, when they're older they might)!  At this age though.....simple things will impress them.   

I'm not creative this is the most creative I get and there is not an artistic bone in my body.  I write poems once in a while throughout the year but every day for the month of December.  My kids love when the elves visit and look forward to it. If you think an idea isn't very good so what, I bet the kids will love it!  Give it a shot....but be prepared once you start, you have to continue.  Believe me I didn't realize one poem would lead into one every day for a month, and then every December...but it's worth it!

The poem......

It's Christmas movie time, after dinner tonight!
I bet you're wondering how this is important. Right?

It's a persons responsibility to make time for family.
Sometimes, it is one that does not come easily.

With all the responsibilities and things most people have to do.
Unfortunately, sometimes family has to wait a time or two.

Family is important, they need to stick together!
Always love your family and take care of one another!

So, enjoy being together during family night!
Spending time with family will make your holidays more bright!


P.S. Maybe you can pick a day that can be family night every week!

Yeah not the best but they'll get the point!

The elves are hiding in our entertainment center cabinet with the movie.....was too hard to get a pic of the elves, so I just took a picture of the dvd.

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