Monday, December 23, 2013

Reindeer food and extra magic from Santa!

The month has flown by. It has been fun (I'm slightly glad to have a break though)!  Last year Santa gave our elf extra magic so the kids could hold and play with her.  This year there are two elves but will be doing the same because my kids loved that they could finally play with the elf!  Also, they'll be making reindeer food!

Here's the poem.....

These last few days sure went by fast
But throughout the month we've had a blast!

It has been lots of fun teaching you!
There isn't an elf job you can't do!

We're very sad that we have to go
But we'll be back next year you know!

We brought ingredients to make reindeer food.
You can't just feed Santa they might think you're rude.

Mix oats, sparkles, and some cinnamon too!
A handful from each of you will probably do!

Today is also the day you've been waiting for!
Santa gave us extra magic once more!

Hold us and play with us throughout the day.
Then when Santa comes we'll be on our way.

Love your elves,
Holly and Kringle

I also previously had posted last years Christmas Eve poem where they could play with the one elf we had last year.  The kids really loved it!

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Family and kisses!

I'm trying to teach my children Christmas isn't all about presents so I bought some holiday kisses and wrote this poem.....

The most important part of Christmas is being with your family!
It's not about presents or who has the best tree.

Working for Santa is not about the toys.
It's about being together, amongst other joys!

Presents are great don't get us wrong
But family is there to help keep us strong!

Your mom and your dad love you with all their heart!
That's why family should be the best part!

We brought some holiday kisses to share!
We're glad to be part of your family this year!

We ask that you always make family number one!
Give kisses to those whom you love a ton!

Love your elves,
Holly and Kringle

Snowflake craft

This one was store bought...I needed something quick and easy! Just left it on the table with the poem. It's not much I wrote it at 1 in the morning when my husband and I got home from a Christmas party.
Here it is......
It's time for more creating
Let's do something elating!
Snowflake time is here at last!
C'mon kids let's have a blast!
Make some snowflakes to hang around.
Make them look like they're falling to the ground!
The important thing is that you have fun!
Just remember to clean up after you're done!
Love your elves,
Holly and Kringle

Friday, December 20, 2013

Elves promote reading!

My kids had asked for a book which I originally told them it was too expensive so I didn't buy it (which I find helps them believe I didn't purchase a particular item and that the elves must have brought it)!  I try to encourage my kids to read.  One of my girls reads often the other will sometimes but needs encouragement.  My son is now better but interest is limited to certain topics. I decided the book was a good elf gift and the poem followed.

Here it is......

We thought we would bring you a Christmas book.
It's under the tree, take a look!

We knew you all would like this one!
We want you to enjoy reading, it really is fun!

You use your imagination when you read.
To be an elf, imagination is something you'll need!

Time to start reading all the books on the shelf
Because reading will help make you an elf!

Love your elves,
Holly and Kringle

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Ribbon bulb ornaments

For this one I bought clear bulb ornaments (plastic) that you can fill with what you want.  Last year we made some ball shaped with confetti inside.  This year we're putting ribbon inside.  Curling ribbon is what I think will work best!

Here's the poem.....

Today we brought another craft to make!
Something that may be a kind of keepsake.

It's pretty simple, another ornament for your tree.
Hang it there for everyone to see!

Open the ornament, put ribbon inside.
Which ever color, is for you to decide!

Green, silver, red, and gold!
Which color will your ornament hold?

Then put the date so you'll remember...
When you decorate every December!

Love your elves,
Holly and Kringle

I will post a picture of the finished product when they complete them! For now a picture of the ornaments before.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A few more decorations.....

Definitely not one of my best, but hopefully the kids enjoy it! 

Here's the poem.....

We thought a few more decorations would be lots of fun!
We brought this tree and ornaments and then we should be done.

Once you put them up decorating will be complete!
We think the decorations are really, really neat!

We also brought some stickers to place upon the tree!
This is for your enjoyment, however you want it to be!

Have a blast and enjoy yourselves!
We are truly blessed to be your elves!

Love your elves,
Holly and Kringle

I was fortunate to get these items from work!  Hopefully the kids enjoy it, I've been working so much it has been hard to keep up!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Candy treat (no job today)

Today the elves just decided to leave candy bracelets for the kids.  No job today just pretty simple I've been working a lot of early hours so I'm pretty tired and decided on something quick......halfway through writing the poem the girls got out of bed and I had to move the elves again.....

Here's the poem......

Today we left a candy treat
Because we think you're really sweet!

There is a bracelet for each of you
A necklace to share which we hope you can do!

We're glad that school's almost done
We'll be able to see you a ton!

The one thing we don't like as Christmas draws near
Is that we both will have to leave here.

One more week is all we've got
So, we're glad that you'll be around a lot!

Love your elves,
Holly and Kringle

(I added)
P.S. reminder you need to stay in bed. Grown-ups can't see us move but you girls almost caught us as we started switching spots. We had to freeze.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Elf Job #7 Creative Decorating and Family Time!

Last year our elf brought plain white paper strips for the kids to color and decorate and make paper chains.  When I asked what they're favorite project was from last year one of my daughter's said the paper chain so it's back with a little twist!  Last year they each made their own individual chains this year they'll be doing one together. 

The paper this year we have red and green strips of construction paper which they can either decorate or not.  It's their choice!  I have glitter and sequins they can use or they can just draw on the links!  I will post pictures after they have completed their chain!

Here's the poem......

Today is creative decorating, you'll be making a paper chain!
We brought you Christmas paper which you can design or just leave plain.

Designs are more creative but plain and simple is sometimes better!
We want you to just make one long chain and work on it together!

Togetherness is an important part of what holidays are about!
So, decide on how you want your links with sparkles or without!

Connect all of the links and enjoy what you created!
Most of all enjoy each other and not just because you're related!!!!

Love your elves,
Holly and Kringle

Part of why I enjoy the elves leaving projects and tasks for them, is because they spend more time together.  They're either doing the crafts or tasks together or sharing the excitement by talking about the elves.  Sometimes I get a little carried away and maybe have spent too much money on it, but the family time doubles this time of year!  Togetherness and family is important all the time but if I can use the holidays to try and reinforce it I will!

Elf Job # 6 Gingerbread Train!

I did not get this posted last night because I've been working a lot of crazy hours this holiday season.

Our elves brought a gingerbread train kit.  I have heard mixed reviews on gingerbread houses and thought the train looked a little easier.  The frosting is already mixed in a tube, so hopefully it won't be a problem.  We will be making it when the kids come home from school! 

Here's the poem......

We're guessing that you'll like this job, it's not really a job at all.
Making festive treats is fun, we're sure you'll have a ball!

Build the train and decorate it with all the different sweets!
This is a decoration, not really something that one eats.

There's a plastic tray inside you'll use this as the base.
Then use the frosting to make the pieces stick and hold it all in place!

You'll need to work together because they're sometimes hard to build.
They are sometimes even challenging for elves who are very skilled.

We know that you can do it though, give it all you've got!
We're sure when Santa sees it he'll really like it a lot!

Love your elves,
Holly and Kringle


Pictures of the completed project will be posted later today!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Elf job #5 wood building

The next job is building and making,  it was $10 at the store. 

Here's the poem.....

Today is the hardest of them all
Building things, is a feat that is not small

We brought you this wood building kit!
You will need to build them bit by bit.

Follow directions, take your time.
Having difficulty is not a crime.

You will be amazed by what you can do.
We bet you'll be proud when you are through!

You can keep them forever or give them away.
They can be presents to give on Christmas Day!

Which ever you choose will surely be fine.
After you build be sure to design!

Lots of color is always fun!
We can't wait to see them when they are done!

One last thing we want to share.....
When the door's closed the fighting we still hear!

Love your elves,
Holly and Kringle

Had to add the last part in because my kids seem to thing they can't be heard when the door is closed!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Elf Job #4 candy cane growing!

This idea was given to me.  Growing candy canes!  I am doing it a little different just to avoid questions I'm afraid my kids may overthink it. 

I bought Christmas tic-tacs (red and green), a christmas tin tray, and chocolate mint and cherry candy canes.  They will plant the seeds (tic-tacs) in sugar and in a day candy canes will grow!  I am adding an extra step to place plastic wrap on the tray first to pretend to be the candy wrapper.  I'm afraid they'll ask where the plastic came from.  Then when they go to bed I will remove the plastic and put the candy canes in the sugar.

Here's the poem.......

Today's job is candy making.
It does not require any baking.

You'll be planting candy
Knowing how to grow it really comes in handy!

Plant the seeds in this tray
You'll have candy canes within a day!

Green is chocolate mint, red is cherry!
Candy canes help make Christmas merry!

When they've grown you know what to do.
Hang them on the tree or you can eat them too.

I put the instructions down below.
Now patiently wait for your candy to grow!

Love your elves,
Holly and Kringle

1. Place plastic over tray
2. Pour sugar on plastic
3. Plant seeds
4. Wait

Caution: DO NOT ADD WATER!  Water makes candy dissolve!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Elf job#3 Movie Testers

My kids have been wanting to see Despicable Me 2 and we never got to the movies.  I bought the movie and some popcorn and their third elf job will be "Movie Testing"!  That's right, elves just make sure it's good before they deliver on Christmas! 

Here's the poem......

I think that you'll like this next job the best.
We brought you a new movie to test!

All you do is watch it make sure it is good.
Anyone would want this as a job if they could!

Kringle thinks this job is great!
He watches movies until it's really late.

We hope you like Despicable Me 2!
We were actually hoping to watch it with you!

There's also some popcorn two different kinds.
We'll have kettle if nobody minds.

When you get home we'll all settle in,
Sit and wait for the movie to begin!

Love your elves,
Holly and Kringle

P.S. great job wrapping

(Wrapping was the previous job)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Elf job #2 gift wrapping!

This time our elves are teaching the kids gift wrapping.  The elves started off by surprising the kids with wrapping their bedroom doors. 

This required two people.  (Thanks Mom for helping)! When the kids were at school we measured out and cut the paper so when the kids are in bed my husband and I can just stick it on.  There is no way we would've been able to cut and measure without waking them. Also, pick a wrapping paper that doesn't matter which way you turn it because if the print is going in the wrong direction all the pictures will be sideways. Also I bought double sided tape, which I think is better for this project.  Oh and bows to stick on too!

Here's the poem.......

Can you guess what your job is today?
What do you think of your doors by the way?

Wrapping presents is the next thing you'll learn!
It's not that hard there's no need for concern.

Measure, cut, fold, wrap, and tape are the steps you'll need to take.
Once you get this you'll be set to wrap the presents that you make!

Again, take your time and try to have fun.
You can also ask mommy to help on this one!

Love your elves,
Holly and Kringle

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Elf job #1

Last night our elves left elf hats and made the kids honorable elves!  Becoming elves they would be taught different jobs the elves do in the North Pole.  The first job is painting.

Here's the poem.....

To our fellow elves Welcome aboard!
There is a lot to learn in case you haven't heard.

You'll be learning jobs that elves often do.
We'll start off with something a little easier for you.

Ornament painting is your first task.
How is this important to be elves you ask?

Painting is part of most toys.
Colors are important to most girls and boys.

If toys had no color they wouldn't be fun.
So, here are some ornaments you can all pick just one.

Take your time paint it well.
If you rush your work Santa can tell.

Paint with any colors you desire.
Do this well and you're an elf they're sure to hire!

Work real hard but remember to have fun.
Get plenty of rest when your work is done!

Love your elves,
Holly and Kringle!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Honorary elves!!!

Our elves will be leaving each of the kids with an elf hat (purchased at the dollar store for $1).  I was going to wait until closer to Christmas but I thought of an idea to make the kids honorary elves and then the elves will teach them things.  Most of the next craft ideas will be the elves teaching them things they do in the North Pole!  I'm actually excited about this hope it works as planned!

Here's the poem......

Just want to say we're proud of you!
You really are great kids.
You often use your manners and don't do things Santa Clause forbids.

We left you something special today, elf hats for you to wear.
It is a special honor that elves don't often share!

Place them on your head, you are now honorary elves!
You really ought to be very proud of yourselves!

Though we cannot share our magic, we'll teach you things we do!
Maybe one day you'll work in the North Pole too!

Love your elves,
Holly and Kringle

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Prize and poem!

Tonight our elves decided to hide in the Christmas tree since it was all decorated!  Boy did the decorate, it's a little much but they had fun and love it!  Our elf also left a little prize for them under the tree. Three cans of silly string (one each)!  They've been wanting it for a while and it was only a dollar at the dolllar store.  Here is the poem.......

Where did you think we would be?
Of course we're hiding in the Christmas tree!

It's the most beautiful thing we've ever seen!
Extravagant enough for a King and a Queen!

We're glad you enjoyed the Christmas tree surprise.
Now, look under the tree for a little prize!

We know you've been wanting this for a while.
So, we brought some for you because we love to make you smile!

When you're happy we know we're doing our job right!
So, we'll be working hard to make your holiday bright!

Work hard at school and have a good day!
When you get home it's time to play!

Love your elves,
Holly and Kringle

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Christmas tree delivery and poem!

Tonight our elves are going to get us a Christmas tree!  We get a real one and usually wait until around this time because we live in Florida and they seem to die if we get it too early.  The kids usually like to pick it out but I'm hoping they won't mind and will like the surprise.  I won't have pictures until later but here's the poem........

Surprise! We hope you like it, we tried to pick the best
And we thought that this one was better than the rest!

It's not too tall, it's nice and full, and it really smells.      good too!
We know you like to pick it out but we wanted to surprise you!

Now it feels like Christmas really truly is here!
So, let's start decorating and spread some holiday cheer!

Play some Christmas music and sing it merrily
While you decorate as a family!

This is why, of course, our favorite month is December!
These are memories you always will remember!

Love your elves,
Holly and Kringle

Friday, December 6, 2013

Hot chocolate and poem

Today our elves left hot chocolate, marshmallows, and Christmas mugs for the kids!  The mugs were a dollar each at the dollar store and the marshmallows are found with the hot chocolate at the store ( in case you were wondering)! 

Here's the poem.......

Now it's time for something yummy
Tasty hot chocolate to warm your tummy!

Peppermint or chocolate take your pick
But be careful, don't drink too quick!

It's called "hot" chocolate for a reason
To warm you in winter but good in any season!

We brought a mug for each of you.
Pick one out or you can share them too!

Plus a container of the best thing ever
Extra marshmallows for the marshmallow lover!

We know you'll like this c'mon who wouldn't
We wanted to drink it all but figured we shouldn't!

Have some for breakfast or right before bed
Maybe just have it for a snack instead!

We thought you would like something sweet
Hope you enjoy this yummy treat!

Love your elves,
Holly and Kringle

Pictures to come haven't set it up yet!  This should be one you can easily use.  If you only have one elf change the "we" to"I" and that's it!!!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Tree- snowman and poem!!!!!

Another thing I found at a book store actually they have a lot of fun Christmas things!  It is a Christmas tree...put it in water and it turns into a snowman.  I'm curious how this will work myself!

Here is the poem......

Time for more fun, look what we brought!
Looks like a tree but it really is NOT!

Put it in water what is it now?
Yes, a snowman, don't ask me how.

More of Santa's magic was put into this.
Don't know about you but we're in complete bliss!

Santa is very, very clever!
These last few days have been the best ever!

I think you'll like what's coming your way!
Lots more fun things every single day!

Love your elves,
Holly and Kringle!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Great job cleaning up and prizes with poem!

My husband had the kids cleaning up, recycling, sweeping, etc.  They usually argue but they were pretty good sports about it tonight....not sure if it was because of the elves or not!  I bought them a few small toys they had asked for a while back and held on to the for when we had our elf (elves) visit!  This one is a little more generic easier used than some of the others!

We're very proud of all of you!
You made a really good cleaning crew!

You worked real hard and got the job done.
Even though cleaning isn't much fun.

Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do
Like cleaning and homework or eat vegetable stew!

There's something special for you three
They're sitting by the Christmas tree!

We remember you asking for them once before.
So, we made a special trip to the store!

This kind of behavior is what we like to see!
It will also assure Santa's toy delivery!

Love your elves, Holly and Kringle

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Owl Messenger and Poem!

Our elves brought an Owl Messenger dressed like Santa...just an owl stuffed animal in a Santa outfit I found at the book store! I thought it was really cute and had to buy it! In the poem I made the Owl the elves messenger and it had a message to the kids from Santa!

Here it is......

We found this owl isn't she cute?
She's dressed like Santa.  What a HOOT!

She has become a great friend
She delivers messages I need to send!

She sees Santa more than I do.
And has a message from Santa to you!

" I want you three to get along.
Screaming and teasing really is wrong.

You really don't do it a lot
But a couple of weeks is all you've got.

If you fall to the Naughty list it will be hard to get back
And there will not be toys for you in my sack.

Keep that in mind, love one another.
You can be the best sisters and brother."

That was all the message said,
Keep that message in your head!

Love, Holly and Kringle

Yes, I tried to make the poem in the shape of an owl, it looks more like a potato ghost but I never said I was artistic!


Monday, December 2, 2013

The magic tree and next visit from our elves! Poem for tomorrow done!!!

Since I have the day off and the kids are at school, I figured I would get this done now instead of tonight!  I have been randomly picking up gifts and/ or ideas for our elf over the past couple of weeks and I found a magic tree!  I thought it would be a fun activity for our elves to leave!

This morning my kids were talking about getting our Christmas tree and I told them it is too early.  We always get a real one because I loved having a real tree growing up!  Living in Florida though the trees don't live as long (I'm originally from up north), so the kids have to wait a little longer for the tree.  So, I decided it would be a good day to bring out the Magic Tree!  I'm sure they'll enjoy it.

Here's the poem and pictures (minus the elves I can't move them until tonight)!.....

We heard you talking about getting your tree
And we heard your mom say it was too early.

We decided to help you out!
This will be fun without a doubt!

Just add water and it will grow!
Then decorate and leave it for show!

This will be your tree until the real one's here.
Then we'll use it as our tree this year!

We'll put it by the workshop if it won't fit inside.
It probably won't since the door isn't real wide.

We hope you like it, we want you to have fun!
We're sure it will be Perfect when it is done!

Love your elves,
Holly and Kringle

I'm hoping they can do it before school so when they get home it will be grown!  Simple but fun!  Thicker paper would've been better because of the glue but it will bother me more than it will bother the kids.

                                                                                           Tree first set up                                            

Part way grown!

Thought I would share!

This morning my kids all enjoyed seeing their elves in their new clothes and reading the poem that was written!  My son dislikes reading but was the first to read the poem out loud and he loved Kringle's football jersey!  Both of my girls liked Holly's new skirt and LOVE the visits.  My youngest said this morning that she wishes it was December every day!

The letters/poems make it a different experience.  They allow your children to really feel that the elves are watching them!  You don't have to do it every day like I do, but do a few.  It keeps them on their toes... I tell you my daughter got right out of bed this morning to see the elves and gave me absolutely no trouble getting ready for school!  She knows the elves are watching!  Usually she fights with me about something.

I'm not  a stay at home mom, I work retail and this time of year is very busy for me.  I don't get to spend as much time with my kids as I would like.  Not only now but all throughout the year. I don't have a set work schedule. Sometimes they come home from school and I leave for work.  That's why I enjoy doing the elf poems and giving them tasks and crafts to do.  I know they don't know it's me but one day they will!  One day they'll be able to look back and remember all the fun things mommy did for them at Christmas time even though she couldn't always be home when they wanted her to.

Give it a shot, it'll be worth it , I promise!


Sunday, December 1, 2013

The second visit from our elves!

This morning our second elf joined our family!  The kids named him Kringle!  They were sooo excited!  I loved hearing my youngest wake up the others to tell them Holly our elf came and there was a second one and they had to name him! 

Honestly, I do believe the poems, riddle, rhymes whatever you want to call them, make the visit from our elves more exciting.  They love it!  They get jobs, crafts, or tasks to do.  Sometimes they get to hear about the elves visiting Santa and getting ready for Christmas.  It really brings it to a whole other level (in my opinion)!

When you write a letter or poem to the kids from the elves and the next day they are so excited they want to write a letter to the elf or just yesterday my youngest, 6 years old, decided to attempt to write her own poem!  It's worth the extra effort and remember what may seem simple to you will be Amazing to your children!  My poems are here for ideas but like I said if I can help you put together something that relates better to your children let me know, I will try my best to help!

Here is the poem my children will see tomorrow when they wake up and picture of the elves!

We like the name Kringle, it's a great holiday name!
When we told Santa, he thought the same!

We had to report back to Santa last night
To help him make sure his lists are both right!

Again, you're all on the nice list so far!
Please keep your behavior up to par.

Your behavior keeps us happy, so always be good.
It's not real hard to do, just do the things that you should.

Santa gave me this beautiful, sparkly skirt!
He gave Kringle a jersey, which I think you call a shirt!

We'll miss you when you go to school today
But we'll just sit here and think of more games to play!

Love your elves,
Holly and Kringle

The pictures aren't the best, think ink looks different colors but it's all red.  Hope this gives you an idea or two!