Saturday, December 14, 2013

Elf job #5 wood building

The next job is building and making,  it was $10 at the store. 

Here's the poem.....

Today is the hardest of them all
Building things, is a feat that is not small

We brought you this wood building kit!
You will need to build them bit by bit.

Follow directions, take your time.
Having difficulty is not a crime.

You will be amazed by what you can do.
We bet you'll be proud when you are through!

You can keep them forever or give them away.
They can be presents to give on Christmas Day!

Which ever you choose will surely be fine.
After you build be sure to design!

Lots of color is always fun!
We can't wait to see them when they are done!

One last thing we want to share.....
When the door's closed the fighting we still hear!

Love your elves,
Holly and Kringle

Had to add the last part in because my kids seem to thing they can't be heard when the door is closed!

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