Saturday, November 30, 2013

December 1st...introducing our second elf!!!

The start is finally here. We are going to have a second elf this year! For this one our new elf is hiding in a box and the elves brought some donut holes for breakfast!!! My kids just went to bed and I whipped up this poem......

It's me again, I'm back to play!
I'm pretty tired from traveling all that way.

I brought a yummy breakfast, it's the most important meal.
It's not very healthy but once is no big deal.

I brought you something else, he's hiding in this box!
I think you'll really like him, I know, I think he ROCKS!

Same rules apply, no touching allowed, and he needs a name.
He said he's going to help me plan every craft and game!

It'll be nice to have a friend, when you're away at school
And when we're all together it will be twice as cool!

I hope you're all as good, as you were last year!
We're both super excited to finally be here!

Love your elves,

I will add a picture once I have it all together (and I know the kids are sleeping)!!!!

Christmas Eve...last year!

The last poem last year....

Today is my last day. I will miss you all so much.
Santa loaded me up with magic, so I am safe from your touch!!!!

That's right!!! You can hold me, hug me, play with me but when it's time for bed...
Say goodbye and please don't cry, tears should not be shed.

I'll be back again next year.
Though the exact date is not clear.

You're all my new best friends, I'll visit sooner if I can.
Maybe I'll come in summer to work on my tan!

Let's just enjoy our last day
Before I leave on Santa's sleigh!

Love your elf,

P.S. todays task make cookies for Santa

So the poems were out of order they did not make cookies two days in a row.  This is the reason I did a Thanksgiving one because our elf didn't make it back in the summer.  Hope you enjoy...will post the new one tonight or tomorrow morning!

Cookies again with poem!

Need to post the last two before the first, so here goes...

A few more days left, what should we make?
Oh, I know ! How about something to bake?

Let's make some sugar cookies, they're a yummy treat!
Cut them any shape I'm sure they'll be real neat!

Maybe you can save some for Santa when he comes
Or maybe if you want we can make different ones!

Love your elf,

Christmas cookie cutters and sugar cookie mix and your done!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Elf needs ideas from the kids!!!!

After a while it is hard to come up with things.  Honestly, I have about 12 days planned for this coming year and need to think of some more.  Here is a poem though from our elf last year when she was running out!

There's one more week for fun and games, so let's have lots of fun!
I need to get some more ideas. I'm down to my last one!

So, if there are some things that you would like to do!
Let me know, I would like to try something new!

Today I brought some Christmas cookies for you to enjoy!
Hopefully you'll like them, even though it's not a toy!

Bring one to school, eat it with your lunch.
I think they'll be quite yummy, but that is just a hunch!!!

Love your elf,

YES, they were store bought cookies and NO they didn't care a bit! They brought one to school and even bragged to their friends, their elf brought them cookies!

Paper snowflakes!!!

Our elf left blue and white paper to make paper snowflakes, something we've all probably done as kids!

Fun, fun fun.....more fun stuff to do
I'm having so much fun planning these things for you!

Blue and white paper. What do you think it's for?
Okay, give up? How about paper snowflakes to hang on the door!

Since it doesn't snow in Florida, thought I'd help you make your own!
Make some blue, make some white, you can even make two tone!

Can't wait to see them all, since no two are the same!
I'm having so much fun, I'm really glad I came!

Love your elf,

It will cut a little out of the poem but if you don't live in Florida you can skip the lines typed in green.  Again, if your kids like crafts like mine do, they will love it!

Permission to play with the elf in the car!!!

Our elf this time was near the Christmas tree in Barbie's car. So, our elf gave them permission to play with her as long as they didn't touch her and cleaned their rooms first!

Hi, Not much excitement planned for today
But, you can play with me, just don't touch me okay!

The only thing that you first must do......
Clean your rooms, make them look Brand New!

It is very important if you want Santa to come.
I know you can do it, you're all Awesome!

Clean then play that is the deal.
Get it done and joyous I will feel!!!

Love your elf,

Again, probably a last minute one but they were so excited! They couldn't wait to play with her and they could do it as long as they left her in the car!

Frosted sugar cone trees!

For this one you'll need a few things....

sugar cones
frosting (green, you can buy it green or dye it yourself)
Holiday sprinkles different types

For this turn the sugar cone upside down so it looks like a tree frost it and decorate it. Make an edible Christmas tree! Very simple and LOTS of FUN for the kids.  My kids loved it!  I wish I took pictures but like I said I didn't expect to get so in depth with this!

And of course a poem to go with it......

Good Morning, Good Morning to you!
How 'bout another fun thing to do?!

Place the sugar cone upside down.
Frost it, decorate it, Go To Town!!!!

Turn it into a Christmas tree.
Then eat it or leave it for everyone to see!

I hope you have a ton of fun!
I can't wait to see each one!

Love your elf,

Very simple not too costly.  They will love it I recommend this one! ENJOY!!!

A poem after the tree was decorated!!!

I'm trying to catch up I have a few more poems from last year and it's almost time for our elf to return and to start new poems.  The next poem our elf wrote after the kids decorated the tree and she put up some extra decorations for them to wake up to!  She put garland around the doorway with some mistletoe hanging from it. She also sprayed fake snow on the door (we live in Florida so fake is all there is)! She also put some scented pine cones in the tree.

Also, previously she had mentioned fighting and/or screaming in a poem and they had a bad day and were fighting again, so she addresses it in this poem too.

What a great job you did on the tree
I added a little something extra, go see!

I put up some garland and some mistletoe
The sliding glass doors are frosted with snow!

I hope that you like it, I know that I do!
Now there's something I need to discuss with you.

The teasing and fighting, I said "No More!"
You think I can't hear you when you close the door.

So, let's get along and do what you should.
Being put on the Naughty list wouldn't be good!

Well, have a good day. I'll miss you a lot.
When you get home I'll be in the same spot!

Love your elf,

Quick rhyme......

This one was obviously one I either forgot or had to work late not much to it....

I hope you don't mind a quick rhyme
I seem to be short on time

A glittery letter for each of you
Find some ribbon and attach it with glue!

When it's dry hang it on the tree.
Hang it high for everyone to see!

Love your elf,

I went to Michaels and found glittery letters they happened to be red and they had each of my kids initials so it became another elf project.  They were also clearance...maybe 50 cents!  I took a marker and wrote the year on the back of it.  Now this year the kids will be able to see the different ornaments hanging on the tree from last year and we will be adding to their collection this year! Again very simple but enough to entertain and not too much on your part either!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Poem with treat from Santa!

This one Santa gave our elf cookie mix with sprinkles and frosting to decorate. Again, you can pretty much do whatever you want with this one!  Here's the poem our elf wrote.....

Last night I went to see Santa Clause
He said to give you a round of applause!

I told him about your reading test
He said "Boy, those kids are the best!"

Santa gave me this craft for you to do!
That's right, directly from Santa to you!

Another craft that is a treat
and will be very yummy to eat!

I hope you have a great day at school!
Ya know,  being your elf is super cool!

Love your elf,

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Message to readers!

I hope some of you are enjoying the poems and ideas.  They are still of course last years poems and ideas. That is why I don't have pictures of all of them.  I will for the upcoming this year! I didn't expect to get to this extent with this whole thing.  It just sort of happened!

 I didn't expect to ever be a poet!!!!  I wrote the first and the second and it went on from there.  Honestly, it's hard sometimes to keep up with them. There were nights when I had to work and at midnight I remember, oh no the elf and had to come up with a quick rhyme.  Some of the poems are not as good as others but they do the trick.  Fortunately, the poems aren't difficult for me.

 Kids don't need their elf to be complex.  There are so many ideas out there. I'm not very creative so I do things they can do themselves which also makes it enjoyable for them.  Some of the crafts I have shown pictures of might not be fancy, like some others have done, but that's because the kids are doing them not me.  It makes it exciting when there is something for them to do!  Just have fun with it, most importantly let them have fun with it!

If you would please comment, share, and/or follow my page to help get the ideas out there I would greatly appreciate it! To follow just go on the blog page and under the picture on the right hand side is a box that say s follow click on it and you will receive  a message when I post something new. Also to recommend click on the +1 button will increase the number !!! (May not be a one if someone else has added to it).

If any of you are having difficulty writing a poem yourselves and I can help let me know.  Whether there is a word you can't rhyme good or you're having a hard time tying your info. into my poems if I can help I will!  If there is a certain activity you have planned and need me to help make one for you I will try......though I will have to put our elf activities first once December is here!

Thanks for reading,

Another generic......

First the poem.......

Hello friends, good morning, the days sure go by quick.
I had an exciting trip when I visited Saint Nick!

I told him how you've been and how hard you try in school.
The first thing that he said is "These _______ kids are cool!"
                                                         (last name)
He said I'm a lucky little elf and not all kids are good.
I told him, for the most part, you do the things you should!

So, Santa gave me a special treat for you.
A way of saying "Thanks" for behaving like you do!

Love your elf,

P.S. I hid them on the tree! Can you find them?

This one I'm not 100% sure what I did.  I think I bought candy canes and put them on the tree.  Again there are so many possibilities!!! An ornament, candy, or you can disregard the tree hiding part and do your own thing!!!

Even if you do your own poems and don't use these, try to remember to have the elf praise them once in a while and show them that he/she notices how they've been.  I think it makes it that much more exciting.  Once in a while I hear my oldest daughter tell the others "Holly's watching you", or "Holly can see you!"  We have a lot of fun with our elf!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

More generic poem......

This next poem doesn't have a specific craft idea to go with it, so you can pretty much pick what you want! I'm honestly not sure what I left with this one, since it was last year.

Today it's time to decorate!
So far everything looks great!

Can't wait to see when it's all done.
I am having so much fun!

Today I brought a special treat.
Because I think you're all so neat!

I have a secret that is true...
Santa's proud of all of you!

Have a Great Day!

Love your elf,

I think I may have left some decorations this time.  Maybe some garland or window clings.  You can really do anything, even though it mentions decorating.  Leave them cookies, or hot chocolate.

Also, the words in the poem are very easy to switch around.  If you only have one child you could write.......Because I think you're really neat .... instead of Because I think you're all so neat.Also the other line Santa's so very proud of you, or for two children write both of you, instead of all of you. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Apple Cinnamon cut-outs!!!! With poem!

This one is a little more work than I expected.....but worth it!

11 tbsp. cinnamon
7 tbsp. warm applesauce
1 plastic straw
cookie cutters
jewels or other crafts to decorate
glue (if needed for decorations)
Mix cinnamon with applesauce to dough like consistency. Roll on wooden surface to about 1/4 inch thickness - cut cookie cutter. We used Christmas cookie cutters (snowmen, Christmas tree, Santa, stocking, star, and gingerbread man)!
Use a plastic straw to make a hole at the top of each ornament. Bake at 140 degrees for 5 hours with stove door partially open or air dry 3-4 days - TURNING DAILY. Tie ribbon hanger through each ornament. Decorate!
You may have to add cinnamon but don't make it too dry.  They're a nice fragrant decoration.  You can also decorate them however you like.  The kids had a lot of fun!
The poem........
Ready or not it's time for more fun!
But not until your chores are done.
I heard you all talking about getting your tree!
Well, time to start a cleaning spree!
Pick up the toys and get the broom.
Then clean the floors and make some room!
Once the cleaning is all done,
then it's time to have some fun!
Mix apple and cinnamon, cut them out.
You will enjoy, without a doubt!
Time to bake and decorate.
Boy this craft will be really Great!
String them with ribbon, when they're done.
This craft is sure to be the best one!
Love your elf,
P.S. Love your chains!
(we did the chains the night before so I added this, obviously discard this part if you didn't!)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Following Day after they drew on the window! New Poem and Craft!

Good morning my friends. Did you have fun?
Your drawings are great, I enjoyed every one!

I loved ______'s picture and _____'s reindeer.
Loved ____'s snowman and color everywhere!

I have a new project, my favorite so far!
I want you to paint and put your name on a star!

Then tie some ribbon so you can see,
how nice it will look on your Christmas tree.

I hope that you like it as much as I do!
Have a good day and fun painting too!

Love your elf,

(Just insert first names in the blanks)

Unfortunately, I cannot find the stars to show you a picture.  What I bought for this were star shaped sun catchers.  The plastic ones that kids can paint and hang in the window. Well, I had them make them into ornaments instead.  They must be packed away still.  Simple and they had a blast! You could also buy actual ornaments and have them decorate, I'm sure you can find all varieties at a craft store.  I try to keep it as low cost as possible because I do something different every day and it adds up!

I am now going to include the next poem because it also ties in with this one.......

Good morning to  you
How do you do?

You did a great job on your stars.
I bet you can see them twinkle from Mars!

How about some more fun. What do you think?
Use this paper and make a link!

Color them tape them, connect them all.
Make a chain to hang on the wall!

Take your time, don't work too fast.
Can't wait to see it, hope you have a blast!!!

Love your elf,

So this is just basic paper chains.  Make them any length you want.  You can use construction paper or in my case I used white scrap paper I got from work.  Being plain it allowed them to color and design them the way they want and it didn't cost me anything! 

 Another project that can be very simple or you could jazz it up with more crafts to design them with but remember the kids don't mind simple.  I think most of the time it is the parent(s) who isn't satisfied and need to push it that step further!

A creative idea for the kids from their elf with a poem of course!!!

Since I missed a day I figured I would do two tonight.

This one, they had a lot of fun with.  I bought a box of Crayola window/glass markers.  When they woke up they found their elf on the bathroom sink with the markers and a picture of a Christmas tree drawn on the bathroom mirror! Also, with the following poem.

Good morning to you, I drew you a tree!
Here are the markers, they're yours, they are FREE!

When you get home from school, you all have a chore.
Draw me a picture on the sliding glass door!

Draw anything, draw what you love!
Draw a picture of Santa or maybe a dove!

There's only one rule, you have to have fun!
I can't wait to see, when it is done!

Love your elf,

When the kids came home they all started drawing away!  They absolutely loved it.  They love drawing but I think to be able to draw on the house (even though it was just a door) made it even more exciting!  They're washable so it doesn't hurt anything!  They are sold in the same aisle as the other markers!  Not expensive and loads of fun!


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Poem and Marshmallow Snowmen treat idea!

This time our elf left her poem with a fun treat for the kids to make by themselves!

The treat is Marshmallow snowmen.  You may have seen this idea before. There are many different recipes to make Marshmallow snowmen on the internet. 

I chose a simple one because honestly I'm not too crafty and it had to be easy for the kids to do.  I wanted them to be able to do it themselves.  We used large marshmallows, which we held together with toothpicks.  We also used toothpicks for arms.  then we used edible color markers to draw the face. Plus, licorice for a scarf.  Like I said not very complex, there are a lot fancier ones but regardless the kids loved it!  Whichever recipe you choose here is a poem that might work for you!

Good morning to you, I'm feeling so glad.
None of you have really been bad.

This week has been so much fun!
I love all the wonderful things you have done!

Todays craft is really neat.
When you're done, they're yummy to eat!

Marshmallow snowmen, for you to make!
Don't eat too much, you'll get a bellyache.

Have a good day, I'll see you later!
Then you'll be a snowman creator!!!

Love your elf,

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Poem about making bells.

Another simple and fun craft I remember doing as a kid.

Here's a project that's really swell.
Wrap with foil and make a bell.

I know you will really like this one.
Making a bell is super fun!

Love your elf,

My poem was actually a little longer because of an incident that happened.  My son accidentally touched the elf and made her fall, so I added a couple of lines in the poem about that but I think even the short version is enough. The original version had.....

Wow, what a day, I fell a long, long way.
But don't you worry I'm 'A' okay! the first two lines of the poem.

At the end I ended it with....

P.S. Your touch was an accident, my magic is fine! I still got to visit Santa!

My son was very upset that he accidentally touched the elf and was worried she wouldn't come again so I wrote that to reassure him.

The craft is just cutting up an egg carton wrapping the cup parts with foil, stringing with ribbon and attaching a bell to the inside of the bell so it rings.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Elf Poem with craft idea!

This is one of the shorter poems from last year.  Again simple and straight to the point but they enjoyed it!

Today will be fun,I really can't wait!
Make an ornament with your name and the date!

Here's some confetti, to put inside.
Hang on the tree when the glue is dried!

I bet you're excited and can't wait to start.
It will be a keepsake you hold dear to your heart!

Have Fun!

Love your elf,

For this one I bought the clear ornaments.  Had them take the top off put Santa and Christmas tree confetti inside. Then write their name in glue and sprinkle with glitter or you can just buy puff paint or glitter glue. (If you buy paint just change the word glue in the poem to paint and it is done)! Use ribbon to hang it on the tree. Very simple and non-expensive.

My son decided not to decorate it he just put the confetti in it.  My girls used a little too much glue and it dripped but again they enjoyed it and now they have a special ornament to call their own!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Last years Elf poems continued....second visit!

Last year when our elf joined our family  my kids decided to name her Holly! So,  I went to the store and bought Holly stickers with little red jewels for the berries and a skirt for Holly to wear.  I put a sticker on her hat and two on her skirt!  The little extra add-ons were enough for them to be excited once again! 

I think the important thing to remember is what may be cheesy or simple to an adult is Amazing and exciting to a child.  I'm sure you have all heard before "I could have just given them the box for Christmas and they would enjoy it more than the toy that came in it."  It doesn't have to be overly complex! A child's brain doesn't think as complex as ours (well not usually)!

Now the poem that I wrote when Holly returned the second day!

Hello Again how are you today?
Boy did I travel a long,  long way!

I told Santa all about my day.
And how special you all are in every way!

I told him ____ is loving, ____ is sweet,
And gosh that _____ is totally neat!

I told him my name is now Holly!
Boy did that make him happy and jolly!

He gave me this skirt and holly leaves for my hat.
Then in front of the naughty and nice list we sat!

We talked about teasing .
And that the screaming's not pleasing.

Though things aren't perfect, the good things weren't missed!
So, together we chose Nice as your list!

Keep up the good work and try to get along.
I know the nice list is where you belong!

Love your elf,

In the blanks would be your children's names.  If you don't have three play around with words that could also fit there.

This is a picture of Holly with the sticker on her hat.  The stickers that are on her skirt you can barely see but a cute add-on even if her name isn't Holly!

Here are pics from Our early Elf Visit!

Simple But they Love it!

Early Elf Visit was a Success!

My kids woke up this morning to find their elf Holly on the table sitting with her turkey and her poem.  They were so excited to see her back!

 They each read the poem and after they got ready for school, they each wrote down something they were thankful for! Today they were each thankful for their elf.

 I have three kids by the way.  A son 9 (who will be 10 Christmas Day) and two daughters 8 and 6! 

 My youngest even shared a piece of pop tart with Holly and drew her a picture of a heart!  When she got to school there was an older child opening the car door at the student drop off and as soon as she went to get out of the car she said "I can't believe I had an elf come to my house!" I just sprinkled a couple small crumbs on Holly's collar from the Pop Tart my daughter left her!  Can't wait until she notices!!

Some people believe the poems are too much work but honestly they take me maybe 20 minutes (they're harder when I forget to do them)! They're simple really  and the kids really like them.  I pick a topic or idea. Sometimes based on something that happened or a craft or gift I have in mind.  I will also give praise.  The poems sometimes talk about school if they did well on a test or even their behavior. 

The important thing is if you do write your own, is always make it positive in the end.  Kids need that!  If they have a bad day  let them know their elf saw it but maybe throw in a way to fix it or to just try a little harder next time. (I have a child that has a very hard time controlling their emotions due to a disorder).  Our elf has been a very POSITIVE experience!!!!

If you need any help tying words together for a poem of your own let me know!!!!

The first visit from our elf last year!

 Decided to post this now instead of waiting. My very first elf poem.  One of my favorites actually!  Our elf visited and left her elf book for them to read.  They had a lot of fun picking out her name!  I believe if I remember correctly she left a plate of donuts for breakfast as well!  Simple but they loved it.

I am one of Santa's elves here to do a special task
I am here to keep an eye on you. Why is this, you ask!

Well Santa has two lists a naughty and a nice!
I let him know how you've been and we always check it twice!

So, first things first I need a name!
Then everyday we'll play a game!

Find where I am hiding each and every day.
Then you'll get a message or maybe a game to play.

Every night I'll leave and report to Santa Clause.
I'll let him know if any of you have broken any laws!

I have special magic which helps me travel fast.
But you must "NOT" ever touch me or my magic will not last.

I have brought you a book to tell you more.
Hope you enjoy what I have in store!

A lot of the crafts our elf leaves are really simple and low cost.  Honestly I'm not very artsy so I have to keep it simple.   Dollar stores are great.  Little kids don't care what it is.  The elf and plate of donuts was plenty of excitement which made them look forward to the next visit!

An Early visit from our elf!

The first poem is going to be the most current.  My kids had hoped last year that their elf Holly would visit sometime during the summer, but unfortunately I didn't get around to it.  I decided better late than never and decided to do a before Thanksgiving visit.  Our elf arrived with a solar turkey toy (moves when the light shines on it), the following poem, and a sheet of paper for each of them with  their names to complete the task she has given.
Hello My Friends I missed you A LOT!
Couldn't visit this summer it was really HOT!
I've been watching you though and you've all been OKAY.
So far on the nice list all of you will stay!
It's almost Thanksgiving. What are you thankful for?
I'm thankful to be here with all of you once more!
I brought you a turkey and with it a task!
Express what you're thankful for is all that I ask!
Once a day express something new!
This should be a task that's easy to do.
Write them down so you'll remember.
After today I'll be back in December!
Love Your Elf,

My kids really enjoy their elf and I enjoy doing this for them!  I would rather our elf acknowledge their behavior and give them treats, crafts, or games instead of causing mischief.  Our elf will not return until December 1st so until then I will post poems from last year and an explanation of the craft, task, game, or treat left for them. I will try to post pictures too once I figure out how! Hope you Enjoy!

A Start!

I decided to share my elf poems that our "elf" has written.  I have most of them from last year (I seem to have misplaced a few). She writes every day!  Hopefully they will help you make your children enjoy their elf as much as my children enjoy theirs!